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Outside in or inside out?

Laura Mackie • 29 November 2021

Isn’t it curious how; on the outside, you can have it all - the job title, material trappings, picture perfect family … but inside, you feel … lost … & lacking … a void?

Unconsciously, we’re conditioned … to pass our education, fit in, climb career ladders.

We have goals, we strive, we work & compete, acquiring & building our identities.  

We join gyms, have extensions, book balayage! Buying & becoming (almost) perfect. Stars “in the movie of our life!”

It’s relentless.  

Slowly soul sapping.

Often exhausting.

So why?


What if there were no comparisons, no cage?  

What if we stopped judging our life by other people’s standards?

Unless you follow a passion or passionately follow what you enjoy, you have no idea who you can become. 

Powering though the ups & downs, not because you 'have to' (or because you said you would) but because you want to.


Safety or growth? It’s a choice.  

What if what you get is less important than who you become?  

It’s your life, so live it without apologies.  

You do not have to defend or explain yourself to anyone. There’s no obligation to be who people think you are, your self-worth is not found in others’ opinions.


You decide who you are.

So … change & grow, carving your own way. Design your life, choosing its’ contents, inside out.


Be yourself, be an example. Your people will find you & stay.

Base your decisions on hope & possibility. We are all plagued by doubt but it’s fear (not failure) that limits us - be brave!

You’re, at least, twice as powerful as you think you are. Quite simply, if it’s important enough, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse!

Think well, find faith.


Let's explore possibilities.

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